Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

30+ Great Movie Posters

After months of hiatus we are back we are new collection of awesome movie posters. Some of these are of new movies and some old and some of them are official posters whereas other made by fans. But whatever be…

Floating Cloud

Ever wished to have a floating cloud inside your room, over your office desk.? Well, your wish might just come true. The Richard Clarkson Studio in collaboration with Crealev have created a a magnetically levitating ambient lamp with a cloud…

Shall We Dance by Shawn Danker

Shawn Danker, a Photojournalist based in Singapore travels all around the World taking street photos.  His project titled “Shall We Dance” takes us from the streets of Singapore to Melbourne and various other cities to capture the beauty of dancers…

Urbanscape By Víctor Enrich

Urban intervention as a means of social transformation. This is the core moto of Victor Enrich‘s photographic practice. A street photographer based out of Barcelona, Victor’s photos capture the essence of urban cityscape and show the cliche urban settings in…

Mercedes-Benz – Bangkok HQ

pbm designed the new offices of car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz, located in Bangkok, Thailand.  Mercedes-Benz corporate design and color scheme was used to relate the staff with the company culture. Here are some amazing images from the recent designed headquarter.

The Genius of Oborne Macharia

Oborne Macharia is a talented artist based in Nairobi Kenya. This Self-taught Kenyan photographer makes intriguing surrealist photo series which tell the most remarkable stories. His images showcase the African continent, and its diverse people in a much different way…

25+ Creative Milk Packaging Concepts

When you have a product to sell, or a special gift to give, creative packaging can do wonders in terms of consumer product recognition, as well as building up the excitement and anticipation of seeing what is inside when presented…

